For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


10 May 2010

week four >> "life"

click for larger view
Along the veins we travel now to "life".  Life painted in shades of blue and gray, life drawn in lines of black and red.  Sink into this spread as it draws you underwater to the silent sea bottom, where life is unfolding and bubbling.  As I become absorbed in the images here, I am drawn into the dance of the multi armed gymnast.  Her gesture lifts my own swerving chest and shoulders into the breadth of a wave.  Like kelp swaying endlessly underwater to the pulse of the current, my thoughts enter this world where sound is lit by an everpresent static.  My internal images float with this spreads suggestion to memories of existing in this undersea gallery. 

Particularly present in this moment is the feeling I still conjure up from a night dive with the UCSB scubadiving club.  Having entered the water off campus point at dusk, then swimming along a seaweed strewn pipeline to an anchored buoy; my partner and I raised to the surface to find the night had enveloped the sky.  Taking our courage, we lowered back into the dark water, with our flashlights on, following lobsters and an octopus and a pink spanish dancer... then, together, we signaled and turned out our lights.  The viscosity seemed to change in that instant.  I lost awareness of my bodies differentiation from the body of  the sea.  In that moment, life was one within and without of me.. it remains one of the most spiritually enlivening experiences of my life.  Everything was alive with pulsing light; where I thought it would be dark, it was electric.  The serenity of that experience lives with me and is pulled into being as I reflect on this weeks spread - knowing that it was surely influenced by that and other moments of tapping into the great silence of life.

One of our aims in sharing ZBOOK is pasted on this spread in the blurb at the top right (upside down from a time when we were experimenting with flipping zbook in all directions)
"Spiritual services with an enlightened touch" ...
we open this call by offering witness to your stories.

Feel free to take a moment now to pull into your presence one of your own moments of enlightenment.  Hear the silence, embrace the connectedness and see the vividness.  Then, please share a comment - share an image or a clarity of that moment in your life.  Share your healing story.

Be well and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. wow ~J~ how amazing... you were in the depths right off our campus shore? to picture that is amazing! and at night. I love what you wrote, "where I thought it would be dark, it was electric." wow doesn't that speak to all the dark abysses of our lives, the deep recesses of our being, the darkness of all pathways yet unknown... seems so frightening, so ominous, but if we take the chance and dive deep into it, then maybe we will discover luminosity, truth, our most authentic possibilities. maybe we can't know ourselves and discover all our lives want to become until we do, dive deep into the dark night of the soul.

    ...and tap "into the great silence of life" YES


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