For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


10 December 2011

week eighty >> "Kranky"

"kranky"           click to view
We have been in the thick of it these past couple weeks. Mercury in retrograde since thanksgiving has been giving us time outs and check ins and upside downs and endless turn arounds. Communications are awry as all that is logical can tend to misconnect leading to the breakdown of our technology and other devices. It can feel disruptive and the set backs from our previously set plans can be quite frustrating and so we tend to feel quite kranky, since it's all not following our expectations. But what if our expectations are limited? How might our plans change if we were to Re-consider our routes and our ways and open up to new avenues or even attitudes?  This is how this Kranky time can serve us, if we open up to it.  This is a time of RE.  Re-thinking, Re-assessing, Re-calibrating our modus operandi.  We are kranky to Re-do anything, but perhaps through the process we learn a fresh take on the situation, one that helps us Re-choose what works best for our present needs/values, not just suits the plan we made prior. AND some aspects are likely to fall right back into place too, Relaxing to now know they are there by choice, not default.  
I love how Z "kranky" page emerged with all these 'RE's.  I see...

   RE call
   RE cognition
   RE member
   RE creation
   RE action
   RE tell

Here is a great article, by Intuitive Heather Bleasdale from her Build Alters site, written this week which talk about this time of RE plus also about today's full moon and the total (Red) eclipse we experienced this morning. Told through her story of RE-organizing and clearing out... a theme swept up into our lives with last week's winds.  [thanks jGrace for introducing me to Heather and her site :]

We often think we don't want change and resist it, let's feel for a moment how much change we actually do desire to have in our lives and our world... and let's dance with this looney train, allow for sanctioned madness, and allow the Re-generation of perspectives and ideas to Register (Re-jester :)  We may Re-discover ourselves and our purpose, we may Re-new, and we may then RE-turn the kranky, Re-lease the joy and REJOICE.

∞ ceci

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