For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


20 December 2010

week thirty six >> "solstice" BLUE december

"solstice" click to view
Tonight we ring in the solstice of winter, the short day, the long night, the vast darkness on the brink of the coming of LIGHT. In the darkest moment we celebrate the LIGHT. Our LIGHT. We invite it, exalt it, feel it even before we can see it.

This Solstice will be powerfully and super specially initiated by a TOTAL lunar eclipse... thanks to this eclipse falling on the night we go into winter solstice, meaning the sun is shedding it's light at our earth's most south point and the FULL moon riding high north, we are in for a Total eclipse... the likes of which our earth last experienced 372 years ago in 1638 and will not again for another 475 years on the winter solstice of 2485.

It's interesting that on this long dark night there is the abundant LIGHT of the FULL moon and incredible that the typically unyielding FULL moon will be shaded completely for over a whole hour, with also partial cover for an hour before and after that main event. It will be like witnessing an entire moon cycle in the span of approx 3 hours.

How will we use this experience, this window of nothingness, this window of abyss, this night of FULL LIGHT opening up into the dark, the void, the space to state our case, our dream, our high intention for our lives. Perhaps this is a doorway, if we so choose. How do we choose to walk through it, and with what, and for why. And what will we gratefully leave behind. As the FULL LIGHT will quickly swell back into the night, perhaps with it could come the activation of our visioning... and by beautiful extension, permeating even more intensely, by the increasing light of each next day as we head into the new year.

. . . . . . Bon Hiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

and sweet visioning to you and yours.

∞ ceci
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