For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


27 September 2011

week seventy >> "Yippee"


dear Hemphill,

I'm writing this in retro-post, as the intention to birth an entry for this 9/27/11 week has lingered and festered in my consciousness ever since that very week when no posting came to pass.  I was at my dad's this end of september week, didn't get on the internet much, and decided to make the post upon my return to lala. except that very night the unexpected happened and threw all plans out the preverbal window.  as you know, dear friend and housemate Shrine, prolific artist loved worldwide, was in a critical car accident the very night I got back to los angeles.  fascinating that my post for that week was going to reflect on a major accident I had 15 years prior, this same week, from which the initial context for Z page "Yippee" arose, of which I was going to share about in my post. and then Bam, same week Shrine faces his own, in fact it happened 3 months ago to this day . (dear readers: Shrine is thankfully and miraculously WELL, if you're interested in his status please see 10/5/11 post)
"yippee"    click to view

on the left side of Z page, just a few months after we started ZBOOK, you remember I was in Guadalajara recuperating from said accident and wrote some words about how I was feeling, which was rather trapped in limbo.  later, a year or 2 later, I looked at this page and proclaimed in bubble letters: NOW I"M FREE. to which you responded on right: YIPPEE

seeing this  I realized how heavy I had been through the intensity of my process, and what a JOY the intensity the ride truly was, for it enabled me to to reclaim my freedom. thank you for bringing your laughter, your healing cheers into life dear Hemphill.

∞ ceci
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