For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


24 April 2010

"change of venue"

I have spent a lot of time with this page, for years now just as it appears, and it amazes me that here today the story it tells me is one I've never felt before.  Perhaps art is not so much the object that, through transformation, has been created- perhaps art, at the very essence, is the transformation of the ever changing life experience and self identities within ourselves.  Produced objects of art mirror this art inside, our incarnation of the moment, reflecting our current mind sets and axis points. A piece of art is a reference point from which we can gage ourselves.  It never changes, but we do.

click for larger view
So, this is where this piece, "change of venue" is indicating I am. For, how it strikes me today is:

Communication with different dimensions.  The zodiac is an earth language for humans to speak to one another about the universe "out there" reflecting the universe "in here."  We also use our invented languages, our agreed upon codes, to attempt to connect with life out side of us, life yet to be identified.  For centuries we observe the skies for signs of interplay.  So then, who is observing us?  Is there a relationship between the spirit world and the "intelligent life."  HELLO.  Well, for today let's play, Be free, and dance upon the regenerating field of trust.  Maybe that's the most powerful form of communication. And reception. 

How does it strike you?
∞ ceci

23 April 2010


There are many stories unfolding in the spread we call "Change of Venue". It is a very nonlinear/ cosmic feeling being expressed. Create your own story starting from any point on the spread and travel around the spread allowing the story to reveal its identity to you through each image, each line, each color.

click for larger view
One reading of "change of venue" begins in the top right, where the zodiac map is swirling in vibrant colors of animals and beings. It is as though the heavens are streaming into the open mind of the goddesses green face and she is then speaking their stories, propelling the tiny vehicle (perhaps a metaphor of the soul or the human spirit) onward with the vibrations of her words. Continuing counterclockwise, the movement, the vibration, rains down in waves of graphite and purple pen, like a veil of karma. At the bottom left, Z purple sage is poised to peer through this veil with his piercing minds eye meditation, described visually here as a giant telescope. (point of interest: the extended telescope is a cutout silver razor blade from a gillette add). Through his gaze into time and space, he sees a vision of a great angel as it watches in wonderment at the play in the world below. Is this a guardian angel, and is that sadness expressed in the face... depends on your point of view I suppose. For me, right now, it is an expression of deep inhalation of the perfume of joy being released from the dance of life expressed by the girls singing near the sea.

But then again, where does this story start for you?... in the sea, in the telescope, in the callout of "hello". When we chose to make this our first Zbook4ever blog selection, it was an inspiration that came through the veil in the words written long ago on the page - can you see them?
Tell us a piece of the story your mind imagines, its quite possibly new to us too!

22 April 2010

Z recall

Well it is definitely a trip to look at these pages and attempt to recall the origins of each element that makes up the whole. I mean there are sO many layers, added over 14 years of life! On each page, 14 years of adding something here or there. sometimes we draw, sometimes we add something found, sometimes we paint, sometimes we add a thought, or a documentation, or a totally random phrase that tickles us at the time. Or a sticker! we love stickers :) Each page has had so many incarnations. I dream of a day when we Xray ZBOOK! Like they've done with Rembrandt paintings, to see all the faces of the piece that were created underneath.

This week's spread "change of venue" is one of our faves. There are some favorite spreads that we feel truly stand as pieces on their own. It's fun to feel out what myths and stories they evoke. And over time as well. What I see/feel today in this piece is certainly something I never conceived of before in prior years, or even months! I love how art serves as a reflection to myself about where I'm at currently in my thinking and experience of life.

20 April 2010

welcome to Z blog! Week One>> "change of venue"

click for larger view
Hello world! We are so excited to present to you: Zblog from ZBOOK! We have created this blog to share with you the pages from ZBOOK which we have been creating during the last 14 years of our collaboration and friendship. We will present a page-spread (full open book spread) from ZBOOK each week as a theme for us to reflect upon as we continue on our playful way of art making, illusion breaking, photo taking, object remaking and story awakening................!

If you want to know more about us and ZBOOK, check out Z story and our bioZ. We are thrilled to be sharing this cherished and well incubated treasure that has, layer by layer, bubbled up from our co-creative synthesis, playful synergy and sacred friendship.

And we look forward to hearing from you (!) about what you are excited about, what you are making, and who you may be making it with! Please feel free to express your comments and be in contact with us. Thank you for your visits here to ZBOOK 4EVER and for your support.....!

in gratitude ∞ Jennifer & Ceci
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