For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


22 April 2010

Z recall

Well it is definitely a trip to look at these pages and attempt to recall the origins of each element that makes up the whole. I mean there are sO many layers, added over 14 years of life! On each page, 14 years of adding something here or there. sometimes we draw, sometimes we add something found, sometimes we paint, sometimes we add a thought, or a documentation, or a totally random phrase that tickles us at the time. Or a sticker! we love stickers :) Each page has had so many incarnations. I dream of a day when we Xray ZBOOK! Like they've done with Rembrandt paintings, to see all the faces of the piece that were created underneath.

This week's spread "change of venue" is one of our faves. There are some favorite spreads that we feel truly stand as pieces on their own. It's fun to feel out what myths and stories they evoke. And over time as well. What I see/feel today in this piece is certainly something I never conceived of before in prior years, or even months! I love how art serves as a reflection to myself about where I'm at currently in my thinking and experience of life.
click for larger view

Okay, so what are my reflections on "change of venue"? Well I will leave you with a couple thoughts now and post again this week with a more in-depth sharing, as this post seems pretty full already. 

Parallel worlds/dimensions, inter-connections/communication through the ages, the observer and the observed: with these other times, places, peoples- or ourselves.

Plus... I love the use of graphite on the left. When you see it in person, the page has a certain sheen.

What do you see/feel in "change of venue" ?? We'd love to hear about what strikes you?

∞ ceci



  1. My excitement in this venue of blog with ZBook lies in the reflections of personal transformation (partly because my memory of actual process is minimal, though I will go there when it comes - in the "change of venue" page, it is, and was during creation, obvious to me that we were endeavouring into paths of looking into and yes, communicating with spirit - even when we weren't speaking of these things out loud, ZBook showed me that we were holding these explorations simultaneously and similarly. More later! Lovin it! -J.

  2. J~ soooooo fun to have this new playground with you! yes, remembering the facets of a page is like remembering a dream, mostly comes through as a feeling. you and I have talked about how it's gotten to the point, and for some time now, that it's hard to recall who added what. and that's a beautiful thing, that our individual voices can speak with each other and together so fluidly. thank you!!! life is so sweet with this experience of creating and relating with you! A true honor. yes, I'm more interested in what reflections are evoked from the pieces/pages today, however when the recall does come up, it can be fun to muse over. <3 6

  3. "even when we weren't speaking of these things out loud"~J



  4. Isn't this weeks post so apropo - we really did choose the perfect spread to open this blog. I mean, really, this change of venue is perfectly, purposefully positively, punctuatingly, powerful - whoooyaaahh!!
    Sweeet! -J.

  5. People, I love looking at this page in these little minis and then bigger when I click too - does that happen for you?

  6. Dear Ceci and Jennifer,

    Thank you for sharing your dialog about this profound endeavor that you have initiated. I call the universe to see it and respond to it...

    Love and Hugs,


  7. dearest Mike... we are honored by your love and support. thank you!


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