For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


23 April 2010


There are many stories unfolding in the spread we call "Change of Venue". It is a very nonlinear/ cosmic feeling being expressed. Create your own story starting from any point on the spread and travel around the spread allowing the story to reveal its identity to you through each image, each line, each color.

click for larger view
One reading of "change of venue" begins in the top right, where the zodiac map is swirling in vibrant colors of animals and beings. It is as though the heavens are streaming into the open mind of the goddesses green face and she is then speaking their stories, propelling the tiny vehicle (perhaps a metaphor of the soul or the human spirit) onward with the vibrations of her words. Continuing counterclockwise, the movement, the vibration, rains down in waves of graphite and purple pen, like a veil of karma. At the bottom left, Z purple sage is poised to peer through this veil with his piercing minds eye meditation, described visually here as a giant telescope. (point of interest: the extended telescope is a cutout silver razor blade from a gillette add). Through his gaze into time and space, he sees a vision of a great angel as it watches in wonderment at the play in the world below. Is this a guardian angel, and is that sadness expressed in the face... depends on your point of view I suppose. For me, right now, it is an expression of deep inhalation of the perfume of joy being released from the dance of life expressed by the girls singing near the sea.

But then again, where does this story start for you?... in the sea, in the telescope, in the callout of "hello". When we chose to make this our first Zbook4ever blog selection, it was an inspiration that came through the veil in the words written long ago on the page - can you see them?
Tell us a piece of the story your mind imagines, its quite possibly new to us too!


  1. love it J.... feels so much much like I'm listening to you recall a dream! and I love your invitation above "Create your own story starting from any point on the spread and travel around the spread allowing the story to reveal its identity to you through each image, each line, each color." we do that in dreams too, for how can we ever grasp where any true "beginning" to the dream there is. when you recall it, you tell the story of it from the point you can "remember." don't dreams sO often feel like we are plopped into some world or reality that has already been ongoing? the true starting point is US.

    like all the pages, this spread of course did have a beginning to its formation. yet doesn't it feel like the images/the piece may have always been? perhaps then revealing itself, through us, onto this page in a book.........? these images, these stories, are then perhaps not ours... perhaps we are the messenger.


  2. ps(l): I actually recall that the razor blade (appears as the wizzard's telescope ray) was cut out from a box of razors blades; it's s a nice thick stock with super reflective silver screened onto it. it's great to touch when you are looking at this page in person. has ridges. super tactile, super shiny. RAYzor dude!

    ∞ 6

  3. Yes, thanks for the Rayzor clarity - it's one of my favorite little chuckles in zbook. it's very metaphoric too - a cutting tool - in our image used to cut through vision - to reveal another layer.


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