For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


14 April 2011

week fifty two >> "subscribe"

"like shoes" Daniela, 3rd Grade
we  re-subscribe to Z page "subscribe," a simple choice based on a gut feeling and a blessed exercise in exercising in the very choosing, the freedom to make choices, change up our won rules, subscribe to an avenue to travel through, at any time free to subscribe to another or, like this week, re-subscribe to the current course, a fresh renewed choice of today, not of yesterday.  how very blessed are we to exercise our freedom, make choices, be creative and inventive, imagine our existence beyond our mere survival. free to step through our choices and discover what is beyond, what new array of choices await us, step into the darkness and light up the path as we go.  Daniela, my 3rd grade student in Guadalajara (1999), looked at this page on day at recess and said it looked "like shoes." or footstep prints I might offer.  and that was before Jennifer added color to these shoe steps years later.  seems so simple, but we how often do we rejoice in the utter abunDANCE of being free to breath, imagine, and step through the choices we are making in every moment. as I walk down the simple sidewalk today, I am going to picture color lighting up with my every step, my every choice in that step, and my great fortune in the freedom to make 'em.

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∞ ceci


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