For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


09 May 2010

happy Mama day!

click for larger view
dearest ~J~ happy mama day!
~J~ is a mother of 2 beautiful children, ~h~ is 8 and ~j~ is 3 in a couple days! ~J~ is truly the divine mama -it has been an honor and joy to witness J's opulent grace through her Being mother. The patient and ever present quality of her nurturing, the nurturing of her children's imaginations, creativity, & reverence for beauty, her devotion and earnest love for her family... ~J~ is an inspiration. Thank you ~J~ for the love you foster in your family is a gift to our planet. happy day! love u, cec

J & all~ Have you heard of StoryCorps? It's a nonproft group who has set up recording booths in public places all over the U.S. for people to freely enter in pairs to share a conversation, sharing their voices, their story.  A copy of every story is stored at Library of Congress and StoryCorps has become, since 2003, one of the largest oral history projects in U.S. history.  The project has produced a couple books, one of which just came out, called "Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps"   It shares the conversations btwn mothers & their children.  Here is an excerpt from last friday's Democracy Now! where Amy Goodman interviews the founder of StoryCorps, Dave Isay, about the book and how prevalent and endearing the voices & stories of mothers have been during this amazing adventure in the gleaning of stories.

In the celebration of storytelling and of mamas everywhere, please enjoy... Happy mama day to all!

 Happy mama day to mama Gladys and mama Lucky! We love you, we are so grateful for you!
∞ ceci



  1. I remember that we first became aware of StoryCorps through a great book called, "A Whole New Mind," by Daniel Pink. In it he speaks of our right brain aptitudes that have been atrophied in our left brained obsessed society and how re-cultivating them is now essential for our expansion and even survival, professionally and purposefully. One of these is STORY. Pink mentions StoryCorps as an inspiration and viable opportunity to get our Story on.

    ∞ 6

  2. Great re-reference of storycorps - tears were streaming down my cheeks this afternoon, listening to the personal stories shared of love, loss and transformation. What an amazing project. This is spurring me on to resend our link of zbook page to my mom so she can check out your post with storycorps. Have we looked into where the closest "station" to us is? We need to book appointments - with each other and others! Thanks for the mama shout out - love you too auntiemamma! -J.

  3. So, this was my mother's day card!!

    Sorry I have not been checking my computer for a little while...

    Thank you for the Mother's Day Love.



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