For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


12 May 2010

I heart neurons

my first drawings of neurons straight from Histology textbook
click these for larger view

When I was living in Gudalajara, Mexico in 1999 I fell in love with neurons.  Those microscopic nerve cells that transmit information in our bodies, or in other words communicate.  Vinh, my then partner (and dear friend today) was studying medicine at the time and had given me his Histology texts because the images of the microscopic cells and tissues reminded him so much of my drawings, which at the time were made of super intricate lines with ink.  I was fascinated by these books and by the  incredible correlation between my art and the images the books revealed on the structure of our micro inner landscape.  One night I came upon the nervous system chapter and encountered neurons.  I was gripped at once; they appeared to be liitle entities, life forms with individual attitudes, identities, characters.  The nucleus of each neuron seems like an eyeball.  And that alone gives these little dudes personality.  And the fact that these cells do in fact serve as individual communicators in the body, well they might as well be their own life forms living in the galaxies inside the universe of our bodies.  I began to draw these lil' dudes of connectivity at once and incorporate them into my drawings of macro/micro worlds.  And on this page of ZBOOK, during this same time in Guad, I drew one here on the left, in purple fine point sharpie.  Years later ~J~ came in with blood red ink that set it off, connecting it with all the other life forms on the spread.
The Observer, acrylic on found wood, March 2010   click for larger view

To this day you will find neurons appear in my paintings.  What if the intelligent "life" we wonder about is not only "out there" but in here.  As we've been breaking down cells into atoms into protons and electrons into quarks and beyond we discover only more and more expanded space.  I'm fascinated by the life forms on all levels of being, inner and outer space, and what we all may have to communicate to each other. To reflect for one another in the learning about what is possible in ourselves.

∞ ceci


  1. Oh my, what you have evolved to in your painting expression is quite profound. Your continuous expansion and learning through the painting is inspiring. I think of these neurons which you re-imagine often, as a signature form in your work. One of the awesome aspects of that signature is that they can be visible (large or small) or suggested - because they are present always.
    I love the added images you have started to post. Keep it up!

  2. Cec - the introduction here of your fascination with neurons is very important. As you say, the intelligence of life inside and outside us is a phenomenon to be explored throughout time. I am inspired by your attentions to the expansive space inside all our beings, and the reflections you offer more and more now in your work by bringing these movements to an exterior venue - almost like removing a layer of skin. It's fascinating and as we spoke of recently, it expands the opportunity for people to access the infinite stories in the work. To be continued!


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