For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


07 November 2010

Filling In Skeleton

vampire skeleton cake
As I polished off a slice of cherry cake tonight, I couldn't help but think about this weeks spread "external" and the postings which Ceci has been sending out. My son, Jack, has been daily intoning me with the repeated question, "Mommy, when can we make a skeleton cake?" Actually, the description changed through the past two weeks, from Halloween cake to skeleton to pirate to vampire and back to skeleton cake. As it turned out, I was not the direct aider to his cake making fulfillment, Daddy engaged the mixing and frosting brigade with Jack today, as Hallie and I took some girl time together. I had to include my pics from their success with this weeks spread, as it is incredibly reminiscent (to me at least), of the Dia De los Muertos skulls Ceci posted earlier in the week, and echoed in the face of "external".

As the title to this post suggests, my intent here, is to simply fill in a few lines. I personally get a chuckle from this cartoonish left side of the page, in the toes I filled into the candy wrapper spaces, as part of my Dino body expression. Cec and I actually lifted the yellow crinkly paper recently to check in on the drawing, to see if it went beyond what's visible, and in fact, it doesn't, it is truly a filled in space - awesome!
In her last post, Cec posed a question to me about the book from which the attached sentence on external comes from and its original reference to me. The book is, Meetings with Remarkable Men, the 3rd book in the All and Everything series of G.I. Gurdjieff, who I was turned onto via Osho when I was visiting Puna, India in October 2007, an incredible and mind boggling set of stories, which I apparently read out of order, having made attempts at the first book in the series several times and failed to penetrate it beyond pg.200. - even this past summer, I made another hopeful pass, and was successful reading aloud into the three hundreds, but not yet beyond; this round was completely different I must say, perhaps I'm beyond some levels of delusion - or perhaps, I'm swimming in them! Whatever the case, I am here, and my story is here, where I am. Where are you? -J.

1 comment:

  1. O my GOODNESS how I adOre Jack's Skeleton cake! and how awesome are you guys for creating this masterful treat Post halloween, a week later in fact, making it, for me at least, more in the spirit of Day of the Dead season of the last week ! Right on team Gould! please tell Jack (and papa Tony) that auntie Ceci thinks his Skeleton cake RULES. cherry red inside? Excellent work. I hope that cake become a tradition, or is it already and I wasn't aware? this inside peek, this vision of you and your family is a gift of insight "of where you are" and I'm tickled and grateful for your sharing. love you Hemphill.


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