For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


11 June 2010

the feel

O how I love the sensual experience of ZBOOK.  The visual is paramount, scent has been added via elements such as Jennifer's blood red ink, and then there is the is the perpetual delight of touch as you experience ZBOOK in your hands.  
click for larger image
In this page,"this is your life," you see a rounded darker area beneath the word "your."  This was painted with rubber cement leaving the area tactile, coated with rubberized skin that invites you to rub.  Painting with this rather translucent substance of this glue reminds me of painting my backyard's wood fence with water when I was a little kid.  The wood gets darker in color when touched with water and I would enjoy "painting" the fence with the hose, splashes from a bucket, and my fingers.  The images would dry fairly quickly and I thought of the fence as my giant etch-a-sketch.  When painting with the rubber cement the natural fiber of the book's paper got darker too, but the darkness stayed intact as the glue dried into a top skin layer.  Crazy we haven't painted more with it in ZBOOK.  Jennifer has used glue as a medium quite a bit, such as hot gun glue, especially in her honors work at UCSB.  Hemphill, it would be great to see some pictures of those pieces and installations.  Obviously that period was pre digital picture flurry; do you have any photos of that work in print? Would be great to scan a few and hear your glue stories. Let's paint with glue together soon!
∞ ceci

PS(L): I also love the piece of mirrored sticker on the left top page. Also seen in "identity" above Fiona's head


  1. ahhh glue; gone are the days of glue glopping for me... too toxic - though I still admittedly like to crack open a bottle of rubber cement for medicinal purposes - when I stitch up a loose something or other for instance - ahh that subtle bouquet...reminds me of the lacquer thinner I grew up scenting on the air in my dads garage.

    painting with glitter glue sounds particularly appealing in response to your invitation to glue paint. be good!

  2. and regarding my UCSB work, I have lots of slides; I've been wanting to invest in a slide digitizer for sometime - I'll see if I can find anything printed to scan - if not it's because I'm in a bit of a time vortex - forcastable till mid July... how about you?
    hugs and kisses

  3. your response to post of my post: week nine>> post, which follows this one on "the feel" has revealed an awesome word for the tactile experience of the rubber cement spot... TREAD! it has tread! love it.
    ∞ 6

  4. and yes, I do also have slides of past work as well that I would love to scan. hey, you were the photographer! another of your compelling mediums. there is poetry in your perspectives... I wonder if you did portraiture if the images would result as readings -oracle readings- of the subjects, revealing their songs...
    ∞ 6


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