For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


04 February 2011

week forty two >> "moment of truth"

It seems to me there are innumerable occassions which could stand forward as a "moment of truth" within one's life.  This idea of a moment when a decision is made, when a change is inevitable and something has to be let go to move fully into the present truth with courage, focus and conviction.

Situations come to mind at present which mirror this idea of "moment of truth": 
One - I will be engaging the PWS fifth graders in discus training this week.  This beautiful round flying disc has the potential to soar with the rhythm, form, and strength of the thrower.  In Greek times, and present as the fifth graders themselves mirror this epoch in our human evolution, it was believed that the throw of the discus was representative of the inner truth of the athlete.  In bringing this skill, I will be asking the children to raise their discus to the god or goddess of their chosing (from their studies of the Greek pantheon) to ask for guidance and to send a message of thought to this deity on the flight of their discus.  In this act, they are standing before immortality, seeking wisdom from the heavens and absorbing it into their actions.  With each throw, they are potentially enacting a "moment of truth".  As I go forward to bring this opening to them, I ask myself to breathe in this wisdom, to ask for courage and guidance, to throw my discus true, far and straight before me.
The second thought picture occupying my space in relation to this 'moment of truth' idea, stems from my husband, Tony's recent embracing of God's knocks at his door.  He is overflowing with a need to witness to others his own story of a sequence of unexplainably profound events in his life which he is now reflecting back on as fuel for his current emergence onto a path of god.  His moment of truth started in a dream, then led into a conversation and proclamation by another which then was followed by a hugely sychronous revelation.  Through this series of experiences (vague in my present telling), Tony was so deeply affected, he walked into a nearby church, searched out the priest, asked to be baptized, and within an hour was being dunked into a pool of water.

May we all be present with our moments of truth.  May we be given the opportunity to take in a few deep breaths and proceed with all our being.  And may we take heed of the wise words from zbook....  "From Now on Everything is Huge."  For after all, every day, every moment has the potential to be a moment of truth.

Be well and Blessings

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