For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


13 September 2010

week twenty two >> "howl"

Week 22 finds me back in los angeles after two blessed weeks visiting my Grandma Tata in Cartagena... plus 3 wonderful days in south florida on way back to visit a slew of cousins, aunts and uncles that all moved there from Cartagena as of 10 years now for most of them.  It was so great to reconnect with my family so many of whom I haven't seen for years.  My primos and I grew up playing together during my Cartagena summers and now we are all grown up stepping into being the adults of the family. Wowzers.  Even after all these years, even through all of our changes since we were kids, it is so beautiful the love that we share and has even grown deeper now.


click these for large view
"love bomb
 Z page for this week, "Howl," first took shape in in response to the bleed through from Z page before it, "love bomb."  Just as Z page "hidden" was initiated via the bleed trough from "love bomb" on the other side.  As if impregnated by the breathe seeped through from the other page, "howl" speaks in bellows and plumes, the straight lines of it's "genes" fast becoming swollen and mailable into wafts of color and space.  ...I remember Jennifer telling me a story once that led to words written on this page... 
and through my breath I will impregnate you
perhaps you will recount this story in a post this week dear Hemphill... I would love would that so... 
...please tell me a story :)

∞ ceci

1 comment:

  1. you know, it is incredibly profound all of a sudden to me, the noticing of our selection choice of 'howl' to follow 'reflection'...the image of la virgen sticker just flashed silvered mirror past my scanning eyes, and I was struck, oh my, as, I was just about to relate this parabole piece to you... it is said, my memory hears tell, that these words written were ones similarly spoken to Mary by the Holy Spirit before her deepening initiation...oh my!


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