For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


29 September 2010

week twenty four >> "oracle"

Today, the sky upheld the confirmation of this season. Through this heat we have been drooping in, here in LA, experiencing what some call an Indian Summer, through this, a thunder storm. As I rolled into Altadena this afternoon, returning the last vestiges of the volleyball team I coach, the rolling drum of lightning sounds dropped down from the surrounding mountains. Arriving home, the fall light of sunsetting through layered clouds and rains revealed the brightest rainbow. It produced a neighborhood corner gathering for a few moments of shared upliftment, until the strikes of Zeus began to flash close enough overhead to send all inside to observe from safety.

Today, at the Waldorf school I teach at, the 2nd grade and the 6th grade led the school in an annual celebration of Michaelmas as they presented the story of Nkosnati and the Dragon. Following, during the school wide games period, I was overseeing ‘the Dragons Sea’, through which the children were instructed to traverse a low wooden balance beam. In my creative simplicity, as I mulled how to make each grades challenge developmentally appropriate, I settled into a shared experience of a dark sea, where the travellers were to walk the narrow path with eyes closed. It was a stirringly beautiful observation vantage I then became witness to as each child approached with varying levels of confidence, and then embarked on this unsettling and brief task. The teetering balance between concentration, serenity and fear lit up in the closed eye faces. And I knew that this ‘game’ I hosted, upheld the Michaelmas sword... Courage to face dragons.

click for larger view
Today, as I look into zbook, entranced by the oracle image, seduced by the dragons at left, I am holding a deep gratitude for this season. As fall takes hold in its many faceted embrace, I am reminded by this zbook spread that the veil between worlds begins to thin in this time. In my readings and understandings of the Michaelmas festival, we humans are encouraged to take up our swords of Courage as we begin to enter the darkness of winter. Into this season, our Courage can lead the light of our soul to stand in truth before our own personal dragons and those which are reflected to us in the worlds vast seas. We are fortified with strengthening iron, running boosted in our blood and spreading, falling into our earths atmosphere from meteoric sources. The coverage of clouds across the sky with lightning striking is a visual of this picture, of forces converging, constricting to enhance power.

Today, as I continue to celebrate the birth and life of sweet Hallie, chronicled within the oracle, I wish great courage to swell in her heart. Nineness has taken hold, including an opening awareness to the outer world. In my parenting, I am faced with helping her, and myself, to overcome fear and doubt which has suddenly shadowed its presence with stronghold into our daily life. My child, who has been a breath of daring and outgoingness is facing the grip of an uncertain world. As she was sharing her choke today, she turned it around for herself, bursting into song of ‘slaying the dragon, St. Michael’. Blessings to you darling Libra, and may your many wisdomed guardians offer lights into the cave for you. Looking at you today, walking straight and confident, with eyes blinded from the sea, I was amazed to see your relations shining in your maturing face and stance. And, I pray for me to help see and acknowledge the emerging you which continues to crack through layers of childhoods protective shell. Dear Oracle, I am open to guidance and wisdom from all sources in this quest, feed me well to strengthen my courage! -J.

1 comment:

  1. dearest Hemphill,
    thank you for your profound and lush sharing. as weather churns in turmoil reflecting our inner unease in this world living so uncertain, the instinct of your daughter Hallie, 9 and prime for her eminent shifting into her next season of young woman-ness, is utterly inspiring, helps me to breathe, to sing, and stand in the storm with the conviction of my heart. Thank you dear Hallie love. Happy new year. Happy new you. Happy Birthday of 9 years alive and a gift to our lives!
    ∞ ceci


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