For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


16 July 2010

in a sea of tears

I was just up north in the bay area visiting Xman and dear family friends...  and upon my return home I was greeted by this postcard! ...from Jennifer, from her recent travels to Maui...
Postcard from Jennifer in Maui   click for view
Histological image of our eyes' Lacrimal gland
Look closely and discover two kayaking wanderers amidst the gorgeous abyss of this Olowalu reef.  These yellow kayaks seem to have been added into this photograph (up close they appear a bit cartoonish)... and that's wonderful because they offer a scale perspective that suggests how wide and large the reefs really are.  Without the kayakers this image could be anything... from a wider topographical image of a sea between two far larger landmasses, or as microscopic as a histological image of the human eye's Lacrimal gland, which secretes our tears into out tear ducts.  Now what I LOVE to do is imagine our kayakers as huge submarines emerging from the deep waters of a great inlet sea OR imagine our kayakers as microbes traveling in a sea of tears released into the ducts of a human eye.  I can make this any "world" I want, zooming in and out, all while still seeing it as the coral reef it is.  

This is the macro/micro relativity and perspective changeability which I recognize and celebrate in all things, and fervently express in my work.  And like in the postcard, I am now exploring the use of including recognizable life forms in my rather abstract inner/outer landscapes, giving suggestions of perspective levels and access points for stories to be envisioned.  As in my recent painting The Moment.  Which is why it is SO wonderful to receive this postcard right now in the midst of my recent experience with my painting and reflecting on it in here last week.  Thank you Jennifer! You mailed this from Maui, without any knowing about the process I had been undergoing with my painting, 2 days before I posted about it, essentially at the very same time as when I was gathering up photos and composing my thoughts about it.  By now the synchronicity that we experience is not surprising, but it remains quite delightful and a source of great gratitude for the magic that is inherent in life.  

Also noteworthy is the comment that Jennifer made on my post from last week about The Moment.  It is a true refection of this postcard!
It ("The Moment") reminds me of a recent kayak adventure T. and i took on our last day in Maui. The perspective was so new in so many ways, though we were in an area quite familiar, the vantage was expansive. At one point, I jumped in the ocean, and we were deeper than we would be just swimming. I had my goggles on and the view into the depths was stunning, kind of a shock too - the green-blue color and the light rays bouncing off the visible but distant sands - it was disarming. Through that morning trip, I had moments of fear, however, there was also a strong sense of presence of protection - serenity and guidance of where to go and what choices to make - we just had to tune into the instincts.

this post written during week 13 "hot"
Thank you Jennifer, for trusting and following your instincts.  It is an honor to be tuned in with you.

∞ ceci

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