For 14 years two friends shared an art journal together, and called it Z BOOK...
Now we want to share it with you. Z pages... and more...

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012

Z page of the week: 1/1 and 1/9 2012


27 April 2010

In love with the light

click for larger view
I believe we have both been drawn to this weeks spread because it speaks to us of pathways. And, as week one allowed us to open the gates of arrival, shouting "hello" to our "change of venue", this piece leads us into the river of our journey. My own dive into "swell" starts at the feet - which look to me like they are a craft of transportation along a maze of incredible sights. My juicy experience in this feast of painting, collage and words is heightened by the ever changing light quality. Yes, perhaps you can imagine that in person, holding ZBOOK, the sun sticker in the middle of the left side, actually blazes with brightness at times. Unbellievably, this quality is visibly tangible in the rays which have caught a different angle of light and thus popped in the scan, as has the brilliant yellow reflection of the leaf image (also a sticker piece). And this light dance is apparent in the sunset colors on the water of the middle-right, which if memory serves me, I shaded with irridecent colored pencils - awesome tools! I actually find myself moving around in viewing this onscreen, not with the mouse, but with my head and shoulders, trying to activate that transformation of the light which is possible in person, and oddly, I feel as though that potential has been captured. Props go out to the folks at ART & SIGN for helping us transfer the object of ZBOOK into these magnificent scans for online and otherwise - Thank you! And many cheers to Gladys for years of continued support - you da best mamma!

Finally, in keeping this post dedicated to "swells" movement through light play, I can't ignore the giant multicolored fly / bee whose wings are flashing with said light. I myself am not convinced of its truthful species thus the slash. I do know that when this creature first showed up on this page, and ever since, I have found it shocking, and that shock has always manifested in a strange laugh releasing from me upon sighting - it's never not come! I must admit that I love this bug (even now, I am giggling disturbingly), for multiple reasons, one being that it lifts me in its flight; it is an unexpected vehicle for my imagination. Perhaps another day, I will expand upon my love of the bug, but for now, I leave you with a word reflection from the seem of "swell" (just in case its hard to decipher).... "come back right here, we'll talk more....LUSH".
Be Good,


  1. dearest J~
    yes, to hold ZBOOK and experience this page in changing light is indeed RAD. I don't remember what was under that sun sticker but I feel there was something written about light, to which "there exists shade" was written in response, and I took it to be a sort of reality check. what's great is that sticker of sun, ultimate light, is far better an experience than words about light, especially this awesome shimmer-tastic one.

    ∞ ceci

  2. dude, the bug/bee, which I've see nas a wasp, is from an airline magazine for some kind of software company I believe. I remember wanting to rescue this beautiful wasp from the advertisement that imprisoned it and set it free somewhere in ZBOOK. it chose to land on this page. it's like the sun there is reflecting in its waspy eyes...


  3. "come back right here, & we'll talk more"

    I'll blog on this later. awesome story.


  4. and YES!! thank you mama Gladys and thank you Mike for your fervent support and love. ZBOOK loves you back! and so do we....



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